Grade 2 Eureka Math Module 1 Lessons 1 – 2

2nd Grade Eureka Math - Module 1 Lessons 1 & 2 Topic A

In Topic A students learn add small numbers up to ten, then up to a multiple of ten. 

Standards: 2.OA.A.1 | 2.OA.B.2


*The videos posted below are imbedded from YouTube and are the work of other YouTube Creators, they are not the work of  We have simply imbedded the videos to help you find these excellent relevant resources easier.

Module 1 Lesson 1 Topic A – Foundations for Fluency with Sums and Differences Within 100.

Practice making ten and adding to ten.

Standards: 2.OA.A.1 | 2.OA.B.2

Module 1 Lesson 2 Topic A – Foundations for Fluency with Sums and Differences Within 100.

Practice making the next ten and adding to a multiple of ten.

Standards: 2.OA.A.1 | 2.OA.B.2
