
Grade 2 Eureka Math Module 4 Lessons 23 – 28

2nd Grade Eureka Math - Module 4 Lessons 23 - 28 Topic E

M4 Lesson 23 – Objective

Use number bonds to break apart three-digit minuends and subtract from the hundred.

Standards: 2.NBT.B.7 | 2.NBT.B.9

M4 Lesson 24 – Objective

Use manipulatives to represent subtraction with decompositions of 1 hundred as 10 tens and 1 ten as 10 ones.

Standards: 2.NBT.B.7 | 2.NBT.B.9

M4 Lesson 25 – Objective

Relate manipulative representations to a written method.

Standards: 2.NBT.B.7 | 2.NBT.B.9

M4 Lesson 26 – Objective

Use math drawings to represent subtraction with up to two decompositions and relate drawings to a written method.

Standards: 2.NBT.B.7 | 2.NBT.B.9

M4 Lesson 27 – Objective

Subtract from 200 and from numbers with zeros in the tens place.

Standards: 2.NBT.B.7 | 2.NBT.B.9

M4 Lesson 28 – Objective

Subtract from 200 and from numbers with zeros in the tens place.

Standards: 2.NBT.B.7 | 2.NBT.B.9
