
Grade 2 Eureka Math Module 8 Lessons 13 – 16

2nd Grade Eureka Math - Module 8 Lessons 13 - 16 Topic D

In Topic C students learn to tell time to the nearest 5 minutes on an analog clock.  Students practice dividing the clock into fractions including halves and fourths in order to relate a quarter or half-hour.  Students learn the difference between a.m. and p.m.

Standards: 2.G.A.3 | 2.MD.C.7

Module 8 Lesson 13 Topic D – Objective

Construct a paper clock by partitioning a circle into halves and quarters, and tell time to the half hour or quarter hour.

Standards: 2.G.A.3 | 2.MD.C.7

Module 8 Lesson 14 Topic D – Objective

Tell time to the nearest five minutes.

Standards: 2.G.A.3 | 2.MD.C.7

Module 8 Lesson 15 Topic D – Objective

Tell time to the nearest five minutes; relate a.m. and p.m. to time of day.

Standards: 2.G.A.3 | 2.MD.C.7

Module 8 Lesson 15 Topic D – Objective

Tell time to the nearest five minutes; relate a.m. and p.m. to the time of day.

Standards: 2.G.A.3 | 2.MD.C.7
