Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 1 Lessons 4 – 6

3nd Grade Eureka Math - Module 1 Lessons 4 - 6 Topic B

Topic Division as an Unknown Factor Problem

Standards: 3.OA.A.2 | 3.OA.B.6

3rd grade Operation and Algebraic Thinking 

This unit builds on: Grade 2 Module 6

Concepts continued with: Grade 4 Module 3

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 1 Topic B Lesson 4 –

Understand the meaning of the unknown as the size of the group in division.

Standards: 3.OA.A.2 | 3.OA.B.6

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 1 Topic B Lesson 5 –

Understand the meaning of the unknown as the number of groups in division.

Standards: 3.OA.A.2 | 3.OA.B.6

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 1 Topic B Lesson 6 –

Interpret the unknown in division using the array model.

Standards: 3.OA.A.2 | 3.OA.B.6
