Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 2 Lessons 1 – 5

3nd Grade Eureka Math - Module 2 Lessons 1 - 5 Topic A

Topic A: Place Value and Problem Solving with Units of Measure

Standards: 3.MD.A.1 |  3.MD.A.2 | 3.NBT.A.2| 3.NBT.A.2

This standard include 3rd grade measurement and data standards, and 3rd grade number base ten standards.

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 2 Topic A Lesson 1 –

Explore time as a continuous measurement using a stopwatch.

Standards: 3.MD.A.1 | 3.NBT.A.2

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 2 Topic A Lesson 2 –

Relate skip-counting by fives on the clock and telling time to a continuous measurement model, the number line.

Standards: 3.MD.A.1 | 3.NBT.A.2

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 2 Topic A Lesson 3 –

Count by fives and ones on the number line as a strategy to tell time to the nearest minute on the clock.

Standards: 3.MD.A.1 | 3.NBT.A.2

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 2 Topic A Lesson 4 –

Solve word problems involving time intervals within 1 hour by counting backward and forward using the number line and clock.

Standards: 3.MD.A.1 | 3.NBT.A.2

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 2 Topic A Lesson 5 –

Solve word problems involving time intervals within 1 hour by adding and subtracting on the number line.

Standards: 3.MD.A.1 | 3.NBT.A.2
