
Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 2 Lessons 12 – 14

3nd Grade Eureka Math - Module 3 Lessons 12 - 14 Topic c

Topic C: Rounding to the Nearest Ten and Hundred

Standards: 3.MD.A.1 |  3.MD.A.2 | 3.NBT.A.2| 3.NBT.A.2

These standards include 3rd grade measurement and data standards, and 3rd grade number base ten standards.

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 2 Topic C Lesson 12 –

Round two-digit measurements to the nearest ten on the vertical number line.

Standards: 3.MD.A.1 | 3.MD.A.2 | 3.NBT.A.1

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 2 Topic C Lesson 13 –

Round two- and three-digit numbers to the nearest ten on the vertical number line.

Standards: 3.MD.A.1 | 3.MD.A.2 | 3.NBT.A.1

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 2 Topic C Lesson 14 –

Round to the nearest hundred on the vertical number line.

Standards: 3.MD.A.1 | 3.MD.A.2 | 3.NBT.A.1
