Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 3 Lessons 16 – 18

3nd Grade Eureka Math - Module 3 Lessons 16 - 18 Topic E

Topic E: Analysis of Patterns and Problem Solving Including Units of 0 and 1

3rd Grade Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 3 Topic D Lesson 16 –

Reason about and explain arithmetic patterns using units of 0 and 1 as they relate to multiplication and division.

Standards: 3.OA.A.3 | 3.OA.C.7 | 3.OA.D.8 | 3.OA.D.9

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 3 Topic D Lesson 17 –

Identify patterns in multiplication and division facts using the multiplication table.

Standards: 3.OA.A.3 | 3.OA.C.7 | 3.OA.D.8 | 3.OA.D.9

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 3 Topic D Lesson 18 –

Solve two-step word problems involving all four operations and assess the reasonableness of solutions.

Standards: 3.OA.A.3 | 3.OA.C.7 | 3.OA.D.8 | 3.OA.D.9
