Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 3 Lessons 19 – 21

3nd Grade Eureka Math - Module 3 Lessons 19 - 21 Topic F

Topic F: Multiplication of Single-Digit Factors and Multiples of 10

Standards: 3.NBT.A.3 | 3.OA.B.5 | 3.OA.D.8 | 3.OA.D.9

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 3 Topic F Lesson 19 –

Multiply by multiples of 10 using the place value chart.

Standards: 3.NBT.A.3 | 3.OA.B.5 | 3.OA.D.8 | 3.OA.D.9

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 3 Topic F Lesson 20 –

Use place value strategies and the associative property n × (m × 10) = (n × m) × 10 (where n and m are less than 10) to multiply by multiples of 10.

Standards: 3.NBT.A.3 | 3.OA.B.5 | 3.OA.D.8 | 3.OA.D.9

Grade 3 Eureka Math Module 3 Topic D Lesson 21 –

Solve two-step word problems involving multiplying single-digit factors and multiples of 10.

Standards: 3.NBT.A.3 | 3.OA.B.5 | 3.OA.D.8 | 3.OA.D.9
