Grade 2 Eureka Math Resources

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We have sorted out the Eureka Math book by Modules and Lessons.  We have created webpages with helpful video instructions for every 2nd Grade Eureka Math lesson.  Look for the Module you are currently working on, then correct the topic link below each module, and you will be taken to the webpage with resources for the lesson being worked on.  We hope you find this organization of resources helpful.  Thank you from the Team. 

Module 1

Sums and Differences to 100

Lesson Links Below

Module 2

Addition and Subtraction of Length Units

Lesson Links Below

Module 3

Place Value, Counting, and Comparison of Numbers to 1,000

Lesson Links Below

Module 5

Addition and Subtraction within 1,000 with Word Problems to 100

Lesson Links Below

Module 6

Foundations of Multiplication and Divisioin


Lesson Links Below

Module 8

Time, Shapes, and Fractions as Equal Parts of Shapes

Lesson Links Below

Eureka Math specifically addresses the needs of students in the second grade. In doing so, it acknowledges the significance of laying a solid groundwork in mathematical concepts at this crucial juncture in the course of one’s development.

The use of a sequential approach to learning is one of the most important aspects of Eureka Math for students in the second grade. The program presents new ideas in a sequential manner that makes sense, builds on previously acquired information, and gets progressively more challenging as it goes along. Thanks to this, students can acquire new knowledge and abilities in a methodical and manageable manner.


In addition to this, Eureka Math offers a wealth of opportunities for experiential education and discovery. Students in the second grade are strongly encouraged to participate in activities that include manipulatives. Some examples of these activities include number bonds, cubes, and counters. Students have an easier time visualizing and comprehending abstract mathematical ideas thanks to the concrete materials that are provided, which in turn, makes learning more meaningful and interesting.


In addition, Eureka Math significantly emphasizes the maturation of problem-solving abilities in its students. Students in the second grade are introduced to a variety of approaches to problem-solving and are provided with ample practice to apply these approaches in real-life scenarios. They are able to develop skills in critical thinking, logical reasoning, and the ability to approach problems from a variety of perspectives as a result of this.

Students in the second grade can benefit from Eureka Math in another way a: the program uses visual models and representations. The software makes use of graphical components such as number lines, arrays, and bars.