Grade 4 Eureka Math Module 1 Lessons 1 – 4

4th Grade Eureka Math - Module 1 Video Lessons 1 - 4 Topic A

Topic A: Place Value of Multi-Digit Whole Numbers

Standards: 4.NBT.A.1 | 4.NBT.A.2

4th Grade Numbers Base Ten

This unit builds on: 3rd Grade Module 2

Concepts continued with: 5th Grade Module 1

The video lessons presented here are explanations of the concepts from a version of the Eureka Math program.  All of the problems may not match up with exactly with what is in your Eureka Math book.  For my class the homework aligns with our current homework but the concept development problems do not all exactly match what is in our book.  These lessons still have great value because they teach the concepts that need to be learned.  Most of these video lessons come from YouTube.   

Grade 4 Eureka Math Module 1 Topic A Lesson 1 –

Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison.

Standards: 4.NBT.A.1 | 4.NBT.A.2

Grade 4 Eureka Math Module 1 Topic A Lesson 2 –

Recognize a digit represents 10 times the value of what it represents in the place to its right.

Standards: 4.NBT.A.1 | 4.NBT.A.2

Grade 4 Eureka Math Module 1 Topic A Lesson 3 –

Name numbers within 1 million by building understanding of the place value chart and placement of commas for naming base thousand units.

Standards: 4.NBT.A.1 | 4.NBT.A.2

Grade 4 Eureka Math Module 1 Topic A Lesson 4 –

Read and write multi-digit numbers using base ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.

Standards: 4.NBT.A.1 | 4.NBT.A.2
