
How Changing Math Books Impacts the Classroom

Textbooks on a teacher's desk.

My school is changing the math textbook series that we use for daily instruction from Eureka Math to IM Math (Illustrative Math). I have noticed that we change books every 5 to 7 years.

Switching from one math textbook series to another, such as from Eureka Math to IM Math, can impact students, but the extent of that impact will depend on several factors. Here are some considerations:

Discovering the Magic of Simple Machines

Picture of a pulley

Welcome to an exciting adventure into the world of engineering and simple machines! In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into the fascinating concepts of engineering and explore the magic behind simple machines. Our focus will be on explaining these concepts in a way that is easy to understand for elementary school students. So, grab your thinking caps and get ready to explore the wonderful world of simple machines and engineering!

Why is it important to teach Physical Education (PE) to the standards?

Picture showing two kids playing basketball outsite.

Physical Education (PE) isn’t just a break from normal classroom work; it’s also a big part of how young minds and bodies grow and change. In California, the grade school Physical Education (PE) standards have been set by the Department of Education. These guidelines have been carefully made to make sure that kids get a complete and age-appropriate PE experience that helps them grow physically, socially, and mentally.

10 End of the Year Art Projects for Elementary School Students

Picture of kids doing art

As the school year ends, it’s time to celebrate our young artists’ talent and imagination! Art projects at the end of the school year are a great way for elementary school students to express themselves, think about what they’ve learned, and have fun before summer break. We’ve put together ten ideas for fun and creative art projects that teachers and parents can use to help young artists have a fun and satisfying time making art.

“Math War” – A Fun and Educational Card Game

Deck of Cards

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling mathematical journey that will sharpen your math skills and ignite your competitive spirit? If so, get your deck of cards ready because we’re about to delve into the captivating world of “Math War” – a classic card game with a twist!

Age 5: Time to Start Learning to Read

A young child reads a book.

Reading is a skill that gives you access to a world of information, ideas, and opportunities. It’s important for success in today’s information-driven world because it lays the groundwork for learning throughout life. Even though every kid learns in a different way, most people agree that 5 is a good age to start formal reading instruction. Why is 5 years old a good age to start teaching kids to read? What are the benefits of starting early?

Educational Video Creation: Harnessing Visual Learning

A woman sets up a camera for video.

Mr. Beast, the renowned YouTube Creator, shared valuable advice on improving video-making skills, suggesting that the key to success is simply to start creating videos. His wisdom lies in making a hundred videos while consciously focusing on enhancing one aspect with each new creation. By the time you reach your 100th video, you will have honed your skills and become proficient at producing high-quality content.

Teaching Kindergartners the Art of Collage Making

Kindergarten College Rainbow

Making collages is a fun and exciting art project for kindergarteners. It lets them use their imagination, improve their fine motor skills, and learn how much fun it is to make something new. It can be beneficial for teachers to teach kindergarteners how to make collages. Here is how to make a Kindergarten Collage:.

Essential Questions are Key to Engaging Lesson Plans

Use Essential Questions when Lesson Planning

Are you tired of boring and uninteresting lesson plans that leave your students disengaged and uninterested? If this is the case, it is time to harness the power of curiosity and unlock the potential of critical questions. Nurturing curiosity in the classroom is more vital than ever in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing environment. Essential questions have the power to arouse awe, encourage critical thinking, and spark meaningful dialogues. Teachers …

Cultivating Patience in Children: A Guide for Parents

Picture of a girl being patient.

Patience is a virtue that can greatly affect a child’s mental health and ability to bounce back from hard times. As parents and caretakers, it’s our job to teach kids important life skills, and learning to be patient is one of them. Getting better at this vital skill early in life can help you make better decisions, have better relationships, and feel more emotionally …

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